
Opening message from the Representative

On behalf of the Korean Academy of Aesthetic Surgery, I extend a warm welcome to all Japanese medical professionals participating in "AFAS Japan 2024." As a leading academic organization in Korea, the Korean Academy of Aesthetic Surgery actively engages in academic exchanges with international societies and medical professionals to advance aesthetic surgery and medicine.
We have a long-standing history of academic exchange with Japanese aesthetic surgery societies and professionals, and we are confident that the "AFAS Japan 2024" will further invigorate academic exchanges between the medical communities of Japan and Korea.
Esteemed speakers from both Korea and Japan will participate, presenting the latest advancement and techniques in aesthetic medicine drawn from their clinical expertise, and engaging in discussions with participants.
We hope that "AFAS Japan 2024" will be a valuable platform to explore both the current landscape and future of aesthetic surgery and medicine.

Lim Jong-Hak President, AFAS

President, AFAS Lim Jong-Hak